Book: Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
Ages: 19 months, 23 months, 40 months
This was one of my favorites! Not because the book is all that great (in my opinion) but because the kids loved it so much and there were a lot of fun things to do--all involving blueberries of course:)
This was the second week I tried to focus on a color and shape as well as other concepts and involve all three kiddos in the activities. It went very well!
Each morning we would read the book during or after breakfast. They asked for it every day, which always makes me happy (it was probably because I usually gave them blueberries during or after!)
A few days we did different activites and rotated around the table. I definitely feel like I have a little tot school happening here!
I honestly didn't even look in the BFIAR manual this week. I forgot to because I didn't need any extra ideas. We didn't get through all the ideas that I had, but it was still a very fun week.
Learning stations that we rotated:
1. Putting "blueberries" in a container (blue puff balls)
2. Placing blue poker chips in a container
3. Feeding Little Bear
We did a lot of cooking and baking with blueberries!!!
Blueberry Jam:
We also made blue rice! It was my first time dying rice and turned out to be VERY easy!
In a plastic dish, we mixed about 2.5 cups of rice and 2 T vinegar with the food coloring. Shake it around and laid it on cookie sheet to dry. It was ready by the time they were up from nap.
Declan had learned the color blue by the time he was done playing. He LOVED it!
I love when they have something they can all do together:) They played with this every single day this week.
For snack one day I quickly drew this "blueberry bush" and they had fun putting their blueberries in their "bucket" like Sal.
Another learning station rotation day:
1. Gluing blue circles on the bush
2. Stamping blue thumbprints on the bush
3. Using the dot marker (Raelynn actually is gluing here, but you can see her dots!) as blueberries on the bush.
Another idea that is currently in the freezer is having the kids break the bears and blueberries out of ice! I put them in a plastic dish and filled with water. I plan to give them some "tools" and they have to break free the bear. I figure if they don't have much interest in breaking free the plastic bear, they will definitly want the blueberries! :)
Look at you with the rotation stations. Way to go mama! What a fun time with all the cooking and baking! Colored rice... Will have to try it!