We take advantage of windy days around here! And a reminder of the blessing of having daddy work from home everyday when he can take a trip to fly a kite with us on his lunch break!
R: "Do you like my drawing?" Me: Yes, I like the blue sky and green grass. What are those lines? R: ELEPHANT LEGS! {Oh, how I wish I had her outlook on life sometimes:) } |
enjoying reading time with Mimi....she brought the "Three Little Pigs" and the kids are hooked! |
picnic lunch in the play house! |
Friday night meatballs with friends. The beauty of it. Our friends loving on our kids and our kids building relationship with those most important in our lives. Oh how I love Friday Night Meatballs.
always at the counter either coloring or cutting. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so I love having them right here on those barstools at the counter. |
Colt was stacking blocks all on his own!! |
You make Bagels!?!!? So cool! I would love to try them! Send me the recipe when you get a chance!